Jacob Coalspear Report 2 - A Draconic Voyage
Detective Jacob Coalspear takes to the sea as he follows the Bastards' trail, only what he finds is far from expected.
A Rhalloran detective has been called to a case, a case of a few missing bastards and some dangerous magic items. Not much is known about these bastards, just that they pissed off the next queen, and Grisellda gets what she wants. Now it's up to Detective Jacob Coalspear, a dwarven detective hailing from the Kaanezen Dwarven Gates, now working the beaten path in Rhalloran. One thing is known is known about Coalspear, once he sinks his teeth into a case he isn't letting go.
Made by Lucas the DM of Ballad of the Seven Dice
( https://www.balladofthesevendice.com/ )
If you have any fan art then please send it to us! We would love to see it and share it. backwaterbastards@gmail.com
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Blaznak, Dragon Slayer & Champion of Hogswater - Even Mehl Amundsen
Haex Masath, Outlaw mage and green to boot - Taylor van Biljon
Cedric The Clerical Clerk, number wizz, body hacker - Devin Platts
Baron DeBauch, Royal drunk - Daniel Matthews
And Polling this mess from one bad spot to another, Your Dungeon MasterDick - Richard Kimber-Bell