Welcome to the Backwater Bastards
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Backwater Bastards is a comedy improv actual play podcast played by a group of artists from all over the world! The adventure began in 2018 with our first complete DnD 5e homebrew campaign “Rhalloran”, which is now accessible on Patreon, so you can see where we learned all our tricks.
The Bastards have since moved on to the final frontier in “Orbital Refuse”, using a sci-fi game system created by none other than our very own DM Dick Dynamite (Richard Kimber-Bell).
We have recorded and published over 140 lifetime episodes, added a second show called SideArm, and we release every Tuesday and Thursday! We’ve got a tight little community on Discord, and we’re STILL growin’! (Seriously, somebody send new pants.)
Our intrepid team produces, edits, and, creates the show, (aka tapes it together and puts out the fires), and EVEN manages to step out to guest on other shows. If you’d like to work with The Bastards, let us know! We are big fans of collaboration and no stranger to the wild wild weird of new ideas.
So join us, listen to our show, and when you’re fully briefed, come find us on the web! We have been searching whole worlds for you, traveler.
New Art
We love nothing more then seeing how you see our worlds! So send us your fan arts to backwaterbastards@gmail.com
Our Team
Richard “DM DICK DYNAMITE” Kimber-Bell
Creator of all of our fantastical worlds, the “Orbital Refuse” game system, and voice of a million NPCs, Dick is a touring musician, streamer, and the finest DM the world has ever seen. YEAH. We said it.
taylor “Tay” Van Biljon
The voice of Haex Masath the half-orc sorcerer and Cleo deCap the human bear, Tay is a graphic designer, actual multi-tool, and the secret wizard that powers our socials, brains out production strategy, and whatever else needs a sticker on it.
Daniel “DAN” Matthews
The voice of The Baron DeBauche and Dr. Zafrey Elektra (affectionately known as Dr. Ze), Dan is a concept artist for games and film, the engineer responsible for the Bastard sound, and the guy that started it all. Working behind the scenes on almost everything we’ve got, if there’s a hat, you can bet Dan’s wearin’ it. Or is that Ze? Wait.
Chat with us and other Bastards on Discord
If you like our show, then please help us grow, and share it with a friend, or better yet! Head on over to ITUNES and give us 5 STAR review! Those lil stars are pure gold for us!
With your help, we will continue to build and push the show to new heights. (We Bastards got some big dreams!)
So please consider flicking us a few coins, or credits. Whatever currency ya fancy- our all-seeing, all-knowing DM'll convert it for us. And you shall have our eternal thanks, fellow traveler. Us creators of worlds got to stick together.
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