S03 Ep. 10 The Grey Dragon
The long-awaited conclusion to our journey is here.
For 3 years the Bastards have toiled, terrorized, and wreaked general havoc on the denizens of Rhalloran, and now they have come to the end.
Here at the Necromancer's Spire, in the days before it was old- they gather to bear witness to the final clash between demon brothers Kaelvasteric and Drallavon. To the final attempt at felling this creation of evil that has reached through the ages. To the bereaved warcry of Ralfus, and his army- to the twisting clash of black and white dragons in the mist.
In many ways this is a story about brothers. All of them, all of us, and you.
Stand beside us one last time, as Haex, Blaznak, Cedric, and, the Baron himself...beg DM Dick for advantage and completely destroy the world.
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Blaznak, Dragon Slayer & Champion of Hogswater - Even Mehl Amundsen
Haex Masath, Outlaw mage and green to boot - Taylor van Biljon
Cedric The Clerical Clerk, number wizz, body hacker - Devin Platts
Baron DeBauch, Royal drunk - Daniel Matthews
Your Dungeon MasterDick - Richard Kimber-Bell