006 - BIG Badda BOOM! [feat. Spiridon Giannakis]
WOOP WOOP that’s the sound of the... local synth authorities?
The Bastards have made contact with Hans, are making contact with the unhappy locals- and are likely about to make contact with the armored, hulking command ship idling in the distance.
Can our intrepid travelers survive another showdown before Reece falls to pieces?
Better grab a turret while they’re still attached...
Episode art by Even Mehl Amundsen
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Herodotus Arthurion Mendolroth III, Decorated military officer - Even Mehl Amundsen
Cleo DeCap, Ursine demolitions expert - Taylor van Biljon
Dr. Ze Robotic/aquatic Doctor - Daniel Matthews
Hans the trash eating space dragon - Spiridon Giannakis
Your Dungeon MasterDick - Richard Kimber-Bell