An improvised sci-fi comedy podcast


Avast ye mateys - IT BE HAEX WEEK!

Join us as we uncover the true DnD Hollywood story about Rhalloran's best worst pirate, and how she ended up estranged from her half-orc brethren, halfway across the known world, languishing in an elven stronghold.

In this first installment of who knows how many, we meet young Haex in a dark, murky swamp- and the druidic duo that set her on her briny way...


A DnD5e homebrew, Rhalloran was our first full campaign! If you want to hear the rest of the story, join our Patreon and get the whole dang thing!




Some of the great fanarts we have received of Haex MAsath from our amazing community.


You can hear the entire Rhalloran DnD Campaign right now on our Patreon.

