The continent of Rhalloran is an ancient land.
The seat of power to the Rhalloran Continent, a Kingdom with royal lineage dating back to the earliest humans to settle the landmass and drive back the Kobolds. Rhalloran City is a sprawling metropolis with a bustling seaport which facilitates trade with the High Elves of the Great Eastern Lands, the Chaos Elves of the isle Xerachs and the gnomes of The Gold Exchange.
Encircled by a tall stone wall and filled with tightly packed brick houses, the city is a grid expanding from the central Palace and webbed with dirty canals that lead to the docks. Tall buildings with steep slated rooves and smog above keep the city in a perpetual state of gloomy darkness and shady dealings can be found in any quiet alley.
The city was recently occupied by a force of High Elves and Dragons who executed the King and many members of the royal family, if there are any survivors they are now deep in hiding. The occupation finally ended after an assault by the combined forces of the guilds of Rhalloran. After a bloody battle, Greselda, leader of the Merchant’s Guild has taken the throne and proclaimed herself Queen of Rhalloran, though her grip on the kingdom could not be weaker. Kobolds encroach from the west and Orcish raiding parties sail further up from the south than ever before. All the while nobles in the Rhalloran midlands raise their own armies and defy the queen…
Kobold Temple
The jungles to the west of Rhalloran are untamed and show many remnants of the ancient Kobold empire that human settlers displaced. One such remnant is an immense stone temple, improbable in its construction and untouched for centuries. It is believed the Temple lay dormant beneath the jungle floor until such a time that the defeated Gods of Order believed they could once again make a play for this world and caused the ground to split and the Temple to reveal itself…
Built around rich oasis in the Droman desert, the small Sultanate of Droma maintains its autonomy despite officially being a part of the Rhalloran Empire. It is a wealthy city with great mineral resources and is one of the biggest trading centers of the continent.
Droma itself is draped with colour, precious metals and jewels, fine textiles from the world over. The palace is opulent and gleaming with priceless silver statues and ornamental tiling. The outer walls are surrounded by a endless and rowdy tent city of hopeful merchants from around the world and although few are permitted entrance to the city proper, this year long market of traders can be a prosperous home for a clever merchant.
Necromancers tower
A tall pointed spire of rough obsidian-like stone emerging from the center of the Droman desert. Little is known of its mysterious occupant, but the dead walk the surrounding sands. The tower itself seems to bleed the life out of the desert giving the area a grey, uninhabitable look punctuated only by strange blue crystalline structures which arc towards the sky like twisted plants.None have seen the Necromancer for a millennium, but his army grows with every soul foolish enough to die near his tower…