Avast ye mateys- IT BE HAEX WEEK... PART TWO! With guest Willem van Biljon as Fronn the druid keeper.
Join us as we uncover the DnD true Hollywood story about Rhalloran's best worst pirate, and how she ended up estranged from her half-orc brethren, halfway across the known world, languishing in an elven stronghold.
The Haexian origin saga continues, as our trusty new forged heroes Bortus and Fron take on a gang of cultists- while Haex, as per usual, zones in on the most dangerous spot, and heads straight thataway, as the crow flies.
Will our orcish trio survive the brawl? Will there be enough goodberry to go around? Did... Haex just climb a demon Lord?
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Unlight, Corruption, Hot Pursuit, Soaring, Stay The Course, Ritual, Agnus Dei X, At Rest, Easy Lemon, Dark Times by Kevin MacLeod(incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 , Cthulus Call - Platemail Games (platemailgames.com)