Haex Day - An origin story. Pt 3


Avast ye mateys- IT BE HAEX WEEK... PART THREE!

With special guest Willem van Biljon as Fronn the druid keeper. (FOR THE GLADE!)

Join us as we uncover the DnD true Hollywood story about Rhalloran's best worst pirate, and how she ended up estranged from her half-orc brethren, halfway across the known world, languishing in an elven stronghold.

Haex and co have magically made it this far without looting any corpses just set- and things are really kicking off! Bolstered by the goodwill of a few goodberries- Haex and the druidic duo have followed the demon brothers further into the swampy wood, and continue their attempt to free Lord Kaelvasteric. (Or at least Haex does, no one else seems to really get this move.)

But the trio powers on- barely hanging on to life- as they insert themselves right into the middle of the demonic family brawl, taking it upon themselves to spare the land from Lord Kaelvasteric's dangerous brother.. And save their own skins in the process. But wait- what has happened to Haex's eye?


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Blaznak, Dragon Slayer & Champion of Hogswater - Even Mehl Amundsen
Haex Masath, Outlaw mage and green to boot - Taylor van Biljon
Cedric The Clerical Clerk, number wizz, body hacker - Devin Platts
Baron DeBauch, Royal drunk - Daniel Matthews
Your Dungeon MasterDick - Richard Kimber-Bell