Avast ye mateys- IT BE HAEX WEEK... PART FOUR! The end!
With special guest Willem van Biljon as Fron the heroic druid. (FOR THE GLADE!)
Join us as we uncover the DnD true Hollywood story about Rhalloran's best worst pirate, and how she ended up estranged from her half-orc brethren, halfway across the known world, languishing in an elven stronghold.
The battle betwixt the demon brothers rages on- and continues to draw in our orcish friends, and their creature entourage. Will they manage to best the last cultist? Will Lord Kaelvasteric stay true to his promise? ... Will he survive long enough to find out?
The questions are piling up here at the end, fellow Haexians, and answers seem in short supply. Will we truly know Haex by the end of this episode? Tune in to find out- and in the name of all things druidic, heroic, and green- share the true saga of Haex with a friend! (Preferably one that would stab a summoning circle in your honor.)